I’ve been thinking a lot about my future lately and how it is exactly going to shape into it’s ‘happily ever after’ form. And with all of the recent life changes I’ve been experiencing lately I think these thoughts might be appropriate?
Boyfriend and I have been together for three solid years now. And when I say solid I mean like rock solid. But being with someone for that long present’s opportunity to take them and the relationship for granted, which I have. Until now! I recently moved back to my hometown and the boy stayed in Lexington (which isn’t that far away in all reality) but it made me realize that being able to see him everyday wasn’t a burden but a privilege.
I’ve taken some time to picture my life without him and the picture I see is not a pretty one. Actually it is downright hideous. It’s nice having someone to lean on that you always know no matter the circumstance will be there, someone that is your better half (married or not) that also stands as a best friend, someone that makes every bad day a good one just by one little hug and an ‘I love you’. Being someone’s someone … Well those are some big shoes to fill in my opinion and I have picked the best guy I know to fill those shoes in my life.
Loving and being loved is really special. I’m personally glad that love just recently kicked my little behind into gear and made me realize what on Earth I’d been missing. Evan isn’t just plain ole’ Evan. He’s Evan the guy I love, when I’m with him that is my ‘happy place’. So if I ever ask anyone to take me to my happy place now you know where to drop me off. Almost every little girl’s dream is to fall in love or to become Britney Spears (or Kristen Stewart in my case) but I think I’d pick love over that any day. So all that dreaming when I was little finally paid off and now I know what it’s like and I say touché love, you’re pretty awesome thanks for introducing me to the best guy I know.
June 12, 2012
May 2, 2012
seven questions via gentri lee
We are supposed to post a funny photo with our questions but I just discovered this hideous attempt of my one time roommate and I rapping to none other than N'Sync. Rapping and N'Sync? Two words that should never be combined. Enjoy anyway.
Now on to questions:
1. What is your favorite day of the week and why?
I would have to say Friday, Friday, Fridayyyyy. It's a good day to end the week and I know the next day I can sleep in. That is the BEST feeling.
2. If you decided to change your name, what would you change it to?
This is really hard for me because I'm always thinking of names for pets, babies, myself, etc etc etc but I have always loved Ellen and Nora is my new favorite. Oh and Jane! See? It is a real issue.
3. What is one product you use (it can be for anything) that you feel is a miracle worker?
I cannot go a day without using my CARMEX. I have the worst problem with dry lips and no other chapstick seems to work like carmex does. It is my daily life saver for sure.
4. High heels, flats, sneakers, or boots?
Hmmm, flats! You can wear them in the Summer or Winter and in all different patterns. Now I want to go buy tons of flats.
5. You see your favorite celebrity (it can be any kind of celebrity- movie star, singer, writer, political leader, blogger) walking down the street, what do you do?
Well, I would like to think that I would calmly and rationally walk up to them and say, "Hello my name is Katie, I love you, can we be best buds?" But, I would probably turn tomato red, chicken out, try to sneak a paparazzi style picture, and run away thinking that I am way to underdressed to meet them right now. Excuses, excuses, excuses!
6. If you could pick one item to never have to pay for again, what would it be?
Dinner. Or food in general. I love to go out to eat but it is just so darn expensive these days to eat. Seriously!
7. What was your favorite tv show or movie growing up?
I clearly remember whining my way into getting to see the Lion King in theatres an abundant amount of times. I loved pretty much all the Disney Movies. And Mary-Kate & Ashley? Well, lets just say I still own majority of their movies.
April 30, 2012
life via instagram
April 26, 2012
awkward and awesome

-recently going to McDonald's drive thru, ordering, paying, and then see ya McDonald's you can keep the food and delicious sweet tea I just ordered and drove off without. no problem.
-after leaving my McDonald's behind smart and attentive little me did not notice I was without food and drink until arriving at my apartment and yes I asked my dog why she let me forget. doesn't everyone talk to their dog and expect an answer?
-seeing someone's car with a Kansas, Florida, AND UK basketball sticker. can't just pick one can ya?
-standing behind a lady in the fresh fruit smoothie line and hearing her ask if she could add hot fudge to her mixed berry smoothie. excuse me ma'am?
-possibly going to the beach. ahhh, I'm already dreaming about it.
-blogger now has spell check for posts. thank goodness, I was getting really tired of having to open word to check my spelling on words I cannot spell.
-recently I've gotten quite a few new items of clothing. new clothing really puts a pep in my step. especially spring clothes.
-college is over in t-minus 6 days. weights are slowly but surely being lifted I can feel it.
-saul's big breakfast at saul goods. had this last night. delicious. this may have added a few weights back in different places on my body.
April 25, 2012
here's too ...
Graduating in ten short days. Say what?
Possibly hitting the beach in a few short weeks with boyfriend.
No longer paying for overpriced parking to attend unwanted classes.
Summer clothes, shoes, sunshine, nights out .. heac here's to SUMMER!
Zaxby's kick hiney sweet tea. Keep it up guys, keep it up.
Jennifer Lawrence. Yes, I just went and hung out with her and Peeta again at the Hunger Games. I like to think we could be best friends. J-Law and K-fish? It could work.
Payphone. The song. Adam Levine? Perfection!
Two blog posts in a row. This hasn't happend since ... February? Just slapped myself on the wrist.
April 24, 2012
best decision I ever made

It's been awhile since I have done a post you guys. There is a very good reason for that: college takes over my life and that little cutie you see up there, Janis. As you all know I have been training a service dog throughout the semester and now it is, unfortunately, over. Now that it has ended I'm going to take a minute and reflect via posting with you all.
I have been apart of many things throughout my life but I have to say being part of 4paws for Ability has been the best decision I've made in awhile. It started because I love dogs and wanted the opportunity to have one for a semester. Well, it ended up being much more than that. Yes I got so attached to my little Janis that I cried for days when she had to go but having the satisfaction of knowing that I and everyone else who did the program have contributed to her and the other dogs going on to help some little child is the best feeling in the world.
I now want a dog of my own more than ever. Good thing college is almost over right? I highly suggest that if you don't know what these dogs do or are capable of .. look it up! It's amazing and their ability to help handicapped children, adults or regular ol' folk like me is incredible and they'll melt your heart more than the average dog. Trust me.
Now that my experience with them is over I will always use what I have learned and carry the memories forever. Hands down ... best semester ever.
Graduation anyone? I'm glad to be back!
March 19, 2012
sometimes ...

... It's Monday and you know at 8:00 the Voice comes on!
... You have an awesome boyfriend that cooks you yummy dinners. (I have one of those)
... You take a pattern mixing risk and it turns out to be a nice walk on the wild side.
... Going shopping proves to be a disappointment because you can't seem to find anything you're willing to spend money on.
... There is only six weeks left of your college career and you're happy and scared and maybe a little sad (that's just a little).
... Someone (me) vows to eat healthier and then realizes that she's gonna miss fast food a lot more than she thought. Stupid convenience and cheap factor.
... Even though you miss fast food you still don't give in. Yipee!
March 15, 2012
awkward & awesome

-going into Wendy's and accidently ordering a triple ginormous cheeseburger instead of my desired chicken sandwich. Thank goodness for reorder and refund. -walking in heels. enough said.
-pulling up next to someone on the road (at a red light) where you both have your windows down and music up. then comes that moment when you look at each other and simultaneously reach for the volume knob and become embarrassed of whatever song you were previously 'jammin' too.
-the people that I work with thinking that it is odd that they are sore after taking an exercise class. uh, hello, that means you actually GOT some exercise.
-next friday I get my Janis back. I've been missing that ball of fluff. -friday, as in tomorrow's friday, I'm going shopping!!! that hasn't happened in decades so I have plenty of leftover Christmas money to spend. heac yeah!
-I wore no pants yesterday .... (because I wore a dress) yes people it is that warm in the bluegrass state. spring = 1 winter = 0.
-mcdonalds has a reese mcflurry now? yes! I'm behind the times but this is great news.
-twilight breaking dawn, part 2 sneak peek on march 20 and hunger games on the 23. here comes the happy dance!
March 13, 2012
girl crush

March 12, 2012
life via instagram

February 29, 2012
here today, gone tomorrow
Today is the day that I bring you both good and bad news. We'll start on a good note with the fact that I'm getting my haircut and colored up today. THIS IS A MIRACLE. My hair has been begging me for weeks now to stop walking around with it looking like it does. It is flat, no shape, and no matter what I do as soon as I walk outside it kinks up and goes back to looking like it did before I showered and fixed it. A girl's worst nightmare really. Therefore, today is my hair's Christmas. She will be getting all Sophia Bush short and Reese Witherspoon bangs (I'll be sure to share it later with you guys).
But, on a sad note my little Felix is leaving me today. He unfortunately has developed some habits that must be fixed back at 4paws to ensure that he can continue on in the service dog program. Therefore, while I am sadder than sad I'm happy that he will be getting the help he needs. In case you were wondering I cried (a lot) I'm kinda like Kristen Bell and if I'm not between a 4 and an 8 ... I'm crying. I am definitely a crier. I am getting a replacement dog though and will be sure to introduce you all to her. I'm sure she will be a doll but never as much of a hunk as Felix is. He will be missed!
But, on a sad note my little Felix is leaving me today. He unfortunately has developed some habits that must be fixed back at 4paws to ensure that he can continue on in the service dog program. Therefore, while I am sadder than sad I'm happy that he will be getting the help he needs. In case you were wondering I cried (a lot) I'm kinda like Kristen Bell and if I'm not between a 4 and an 8 ... I'm crying. I am definitely a crier. I am getting a replacement dog though and will be sure to introduce you all to her. I'm sure she will be a doll but never as much of a hunk as Felix is. He will be missed!
February 24, 2012
friday's little notes
dear fellow bloggers,
I am the worst blogging lady these days and sincerely apologize for that. I've really started to miss this and plan on coming back and am ready to attack.
dear felix,
You are the cutest little puppy ever. Anytime that I am extra stressed, mad, or sad all I have to do is look at you and your puppy dog eyes and my day is instantly ten times better.
dear KY weather,
Get it together. I'm getting a little tired of you having these days that trick me into thinking Spring is coming. Let's just skip the rest of the cold and cheers to warm weather.
dear laundry,
Walk your dirty self into the laundry room and do yourself. I just do not have the time or motivation to conquer that big pile that you've become.
dear twilight breaking dawn,
I am so glad that you are part of MY movie collection now AND I am super pumped that I splurged for the delux version and now have a fabric poster of edward cullen + bella on the back of my door.
dear the voice,
you rock. that is all. oh, and adam levine? Yeah I don't think I need to elaborate.
I am the worst blogging lady these days and sincerely apologize for that. I've really started to miss this and plan on coming back and am ready to attack.
dear felix,
You are the cutest little puppy ever. Anytime that I am extra stressed, mad, or sad all I have to do is look at you and your puppy dog eyes and my day is instantly ten times better.
dear KY weather,
Get it together. I'm getting a little tired of you having these days that trick me into thinking Spring is coming. Let's just skip the rest of the cold and cheers to warm weather.
dear laundry,
Walk your dirty self into the laundry room and do yourself. I just do not have the time or motivation to conquer that big pile that you've become.
dear twilight breaking dawn,
I am so glad that you are part of MY movie collection now AND I am super pumped that I splurged for the delux version and now have a fabric poster of edward cullen + bella on the back of my door.
dear the voice,
you rock. that is all. oh, and adam levine? Yeah I don't think I need to elaborate.
February 7, 2012
long time. no blog.

January 27, 2012

...I hope to be as courageous and strong as my mother. She's an inspiration daily and doesn't even know it. If I become half the mother she has been I'll be one lucky lady.
...My brother will realize his undeniable potential to be anything he wants to be. And, someday everyone will realize what a good heart he has always had. He'll realize it too.
...I will learn to stand up for myself like Evan [boyfriend] does. That boy knows how to speak his mind. I love it!
...I hope my children learn what it's like to have a friend like this lady. She's the kind of friend everyone deserves to have. Trust me on that one!
...I'll be married to the guy of my dreams and live happily ever after. With puppies. There will definitely be puppies.
...I wish to travel and see all the things the world has to offer. There is so much to see, I just know it.
...I'll be as willing as my father. There has never been a time that I have really needed him that he hasn't been there. Yeah that's a dads job but I think I've got one of the best ones there is even in his mishap moments.
...I'll have one kick butt playlist and movie collection. I've started. I don't think I'll ever completely finish but that could be a good thing.
...I'll make a difference in someone's life like all of the people I have mentioned have effected mine.
...A roadtrip will take place with no destination in mind.
January 25, 2012
notes to ...

this is my little brother, Kyle. he is pleased to meet you all.
This post is most definitely inspired by TJ over at Mr. Taylor and his lady. I love her weekly little notes and decided I would try it myself.
dear self,
get of your lazy tooshy and do your laundry and clean that messy room of yours. no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
dear saturday,
please hurry up and get here. my sleeping patterns are inhibited due to the anticipation of your arrival in two VERY long days.
dear 2006 altima (my car),
drive yourself down the street to the car wash. wash and pay for yourself. and, while you're at it clean out all the junk in my backseat.
dear kentucky weather,
cold? hot? luke warm? make up your mind about your desired temperature. if you wanna skip winter and go straight to spring that is fine by me. just make a decision my head will appreciate it. headaches be gone.
dear creators of JBD (jane by design),
you are a bunch of pure geniuses. thank you for creating such a fine show. I am one happy lady during that hour of television.
dear boyfriend,
all of those back scratches and apartment cooked meals are much appreciated. without you I would have one itchy back and fast food infested stomach.
dear favorite jeans,
you finally ripped and I was not prepared at all. I will continue to wear you until you tarnish into one big pile of denim. eek! that is one sad thought.
dear strawberry buttercream candle,
my nose thanks you for your unbelievable smell. so so much.
January 23, 2012
a few days of firsts

2. Twilight Breaking Dawn (Part 1) on February 11. Happy Dance again.
3. Did anyone see Reese Witherspoon at the Academy Awards? Best Dressed. I'm jealous. That was awhile back I know.
January 19, 2012
awkward and awesome

1. The fact that despite wearing gloves my hands STILL felt like they were going to fall off from the coldness. slowly but surely!
2. "Sperm is cheap" - professor in my class so gladly pointed this out this morning and that statement was followed with "eggs are expensive". need I say more?
3. I haven't posted since last Friday? School stinks!
4. The looks I get when I say, "I'll take a house salad no onions or tomato, with ranch." Yes, people that means all I want is lettuce, cheese, cucumbers, and croutons. That's my kinda salad.
5. The lady bus driver that has oh, maybe 15 inch nails. Not really. But, they are so long they're curling. Maybe gross instead of awkward?
1. Went to Malone's this past weekend. Mini chicken cordon bleu sandwiches. Awesome!
2. Steven Tyler is back on TV courtesy of American Idol. Explains itself.
3. Tomorrow is Friday. I feel like I've been waiting years for that good ol' day. I don't know what I'll do when I actually have to go to school 5 days a week.
4. 4Paws interview this weekend. Next week maybe a puppy? Hello fabulous. Are your fingers crossed?
5. This little crazy lady in this video.
January 13, 2012
blue blooded lady

January 12, 2012

January 11, 2012
toes like to party too.

January 10, 2012
blazers are for boys (and girls)

January 9, 2012
glitter me pretty.

January 6, 2012
wearing my big girl braids tonight.

When I was younger I jumped at the chance for my mammaw to braid my hair. It made me feel SO cool. And, yes I was one of the young ladies, once upon a time, who got her hair braided. With the beads. My family had gone on a cruise and I insisted I get that done. Most painful experience to date. Well at least one of the most painful. But for some reason, I think, people believe at some age you get to old for braids. Disagree! Yes, I may be to old to braid my hair in pig-tails and go on the town but I am not to old for braids in general.
I tend to enjoy putting random ones in my hair just for a little 'hair icing' if you will. It gives it that bed hair don't care kinda thing in my opinion. So yesterday that is what I did. I'm sure all of you can agree that we can have good braid days and bad braid days. Yesterday was a good one for me.

Jessica and I ventured over to Starbuck's yesterday to take pictures and for the free smells. It's heaven in there! Plus, they always have the neatest little chairs you can sit in and relax. Luckily we had an audience number of zero. And an added bonus was that we got two peanut butter chocolate cupcakes for $2.50. That's a good deal at Starbucks.
One thing that was hard about the braids day was it was very hard for me to pose showing my whole face. It always ended up feeling awkward. This is why you mostly see my profile.

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