...I hope to be as courageous and strong as my mother. She's an inspiration daily and doesn't even know it. If I become half the mother she has been I'll be one lucky lady.
...My brother will realize his undeniable potential to be anything he wants to be. And, someday everyone will realize what a good heart he has always had. He'll realize it too.
...I will learn to stand up for myself like Evan [boyfriend] does. That boy knows how to speak his mind. I love it!
...I hope my children learn what it's like to have a friend like this lady. She's the kind of friend everyone deserves to have. Trust me on that one!
...I'll be married to the guy of my dreams and live happily ever after. With puppies. There will definitely be puppies.
...I wish to travel and see all the things the world has to offer. There is so much to see, I just know it.
...I'll be as willing as my father. There has never been a time that I have really needed him that he hasn't been there. Yeah that's a dads job but I think I've got one of the best ones there is even in his mishap moments.
...I'll have one kick butt playlist and movie collection. I've started. I don't think I'll ever completely finish but that could be a good thing.
...I'll make a difference in someone's life like all of the people I have mentioned have effected mine.
...A roadtrip will take place with no destination in mind.