-recently going to McDonald's drive thru, ordering, paying, and then see ya McDonald's you can keep the food and delicious sweet tea I just ordered and drove off without. no problem.
-after leaving my McDonald's behind smart and attentive little me did not notice I was without food and drink until arriving at my apartment and yes I asked my dog why she let me forget. doesn't everyone talk to their dog and expect an answer?
-seeing someone's car with a Kansas, Florida, AND UK basketball sticker. can't just pick one can ya?
-standing behind a lady in the fresh fruit smoothie line and hearing her ask if she could add hot fudge to her mixed berry smoothie. excuse me ma'am?
-possibly going to the beach. ahhh, I'm already dreaming about it.
-blogger now has spell check for posts. thank goodness, I was getting really tired of having to open word to check my spelling on words I cannot spell.
-recently I've gotten quite a few new items of clothing. new clothing really puts a pep in my step. especially spring clothes.
-college is over in t-minus 6 days. weights are slowly but surely being lifted I can feel it.
-saul's big breakfast at saul goods. had this last night. delicious. this may have added a few weights back in different places on my body.